Great Free Checking Accounts With CBI Bank & Trust
The best free checking accounts from CBI Bank & Trust, the local bank that loves community!
We Offer No Monthly Fees, Service Fees Or Minimums
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge fee
- FREE Debit Card
- FREE Online Banking
- FREE Bill Pay
- FREE Mobile Banking
- FREE Mobile Deposit
- FREE ATM withdrawals at CBI Bank & Trust ATMs or SHAZAM Privileged Status® ATMs
- FREE eStatements with online check images
Enter to Win
Open a new checking account and you'll be entered to win a Blueair Pure Blue 211iMax Air Purifier (retail value $349.99)*
Compare Personal Checking Accounts or Compare Business Checking Accounts
Visit your neighborhood branch to open a checking account today! Simply get in touch with any of our offices in Beloit, Bettendorf, Buffalo, Buffalo Prairie, Coralville, Davenport, Joy, Kalona, Moline, Muscatine, Roscoe, Walcott, Washington or Wilton to get started with an account from CBI Bank & Trust. Or open your account online by selecting the Open Your Account button below.
Minimum opening deposit is only $25. Ask us for details. Bank rules and regulations apply. Other fees such as Insufficient Funds Charge, Overdraft Item Charge, etc. may apply. See Schedule of Fees for details. Up to $10 for debit cards and unused checks from another financial institution given at the time the checks/debit cards are presented.
*No purchase necessary to win and will not increase your chances to win. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Limit one entry per person. CBI Bank & Trust employees and their immediate families are not eligible to win. Entries accepted through the close of business on 5/4/25. One prize will be awarded at the combined locations of Davenport Downtown, Davenport East Village, and Buffalo; one prize at the combined locations of Bettendorf and Davenport Paul Revere Square; one prize at the combined locations of Coralville, Kalona, and Washington; one prize at the combined locations of Muscatine Park Avenue and Muscatine Hy-Vee; one prize at the combined locations of Walcott and Wilton; one prize at the combined locations of Buffalo Prairie, Joy, and Muscatine Downtown; one prize at the combined locations of Beloit and Roscoe; one prize for Moline Ave of the Cities; for a total of eight prizes in all. Odds of winning dependent upon the number of entries. Need not be present to win. Retail value $349.99. No cash equivalent, substitution or transfer of prize permitted. For complete information visit